external services

Participation of prospective suppliers and bidders in the procurement of goods, services, and infrastructure projects of the End-User units (offices and hospitals) of the Iloilo Provincial Government.

Office or Division: BAC Secretariat/ BAC-TWG, Bids and Awards Committee
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen, G2G - Government to Government
Who May Avail: All interested bidders for Iloilo Provincial Government procurement

1. Current Business Permit - (1 photocopy) DTI or SEC
2. Checklist of Requirements - (1 original copy) Focal Person * list in succeeding pages
3. Official Receipt - (1 original copy and 1 photocopy) Provincial Treasurer's Office
4. Acknowledgement Receipt - (1 original copy) Focal Person
5. Sealed Bid Envelopes - (1 original copy and 2 photocopies) of bidding documents

1. Inquire about Bidding Opportunities 1.1 Referral to the focal person in charge None 5 minutes Receiving Clerk Designate
1.2 Provide information regarding the posted bidding opportunities None 10 minutes Focal Person * see list in succeeding pages
1.3 Provide checklist of requirements for documents needed in bidding/ negotiated procurement None 10 minutes Focal Person
2. Buy bidding documents and participate in public bidding 2.1 Issue Order of Payment to the interested bidder None 10 minutes Focal Person
2.2 Upon the presentation of the Official Receipt (OR), issue copy of the Invitation to Bid, Bid Tender and templates of the Technical Documents None 15 minutes Focal Person
2.3 Bidder signs acknowledgment receipt issued by the Focal Person as to the completeness of the Bid Documents received None 10 minutes Focal Person
2.4 Give reminder to the bidder as to the date and time of Pre-Bid Conference, Dropping of Bids and Opening of Bids. None 10 minutes Focal Person
3. Submission of Bids 3.1 Ask for the copy of O.R. and check the marking and sealing of the bid submitted None 10 minutes Procurement Assistants / Secretariat Head
3.2 Stamp "Received" and indicate the date and time it was accepted None 10 minutes Procurement Assistants / Secretariat Head
3.3 Placing all the bids submitted into the bid box and the same will be closed at exactly 9:01AM None 30 minutes Procurement Assistants / Secretariat Head
4. Attendance during the BAC meetings, Pre- Procurement Conference, Pre-Bid Conference and opening of bids 4.1 Upon determination of quorum, the BAC will instruct to open the bids None 2 hours BAC Members, BAC Secretariat and BAC TWG
4.2 Discussion on the terms and conditions and specifications of the item/s subject of the procurement and other relevant matters on procurement None 3 hours BAC Members, BAC Secretariat and BAC TWG
5. Preliminary Examination of Bids and calculation 5.1 Tabulation of bids is prepared for the declaration of lowest calculated bid (LCB) of items and ranking of bidders. None 7 days BAC TWG
5.2 The results of evaluation and calculation are reported during BAC Meetings with the presence of the bidders None 1 day BAC TWG
6. Post qualification of bids 6.1 Notice to post-qualify is sent to bidder with the LCB. None 3 days BAC TWG
6.2 Validation of documents and attachments submitted None 45 days
6.3 Requires the bidder to conduct product demonstration, if necessary, to check if the offered product/item is within the specifications required by the end-user. None 5 days BAC TWG
6.4 The result of Post- qualification is reported during BAC Meeting None 3 days BAC TWG
7. Recommendation of Award and issuance of Notice of Award(NOA), Notice to Proceed(NTP) and Purchase Order (PO)/Contract 7.1 The BAC will recommend to the HoPE the approval of the award of contract to the Lowest Calculated and Rated Bid (LCRB) None 3 days BAC Members, BAC Secretariat. BAC TWG
7.2 Upon approval of the HoPE, the bid documents shall be returned to the respective focal persons for preparation of NOA, PO & NTP. None 3 days TWG, Focal Person*
7.3 After the preparation of the documents mentioned above, it shall be brought to the Claims and Assistance Unit (CAU) and the latter shall be responsible for the sending of NOA, PO and NTP None 3 days Focal Person*
7.4 If performance bond is required, CAU will inform the bidder with the LCRB to post the same. None 1 day Claims Assistance Unit

75 days

Note: Service is covered under R.A. 9184

* Focal Persons


Andy Curacho or Noemi Tamaño


Jessalyn Jarbadan


Ann Marie Depakakibo


Bea Trexie Perez


Jerson Miquiabas


Denise Labagnao


Seth Bautista


Mark Suñe


Shari Babayen-on


Lily Papillera


Denise Labagnao


Kevin Izzy Langusta


Anie Reyes


Christine Joy Jagorin